Wednesday, December 11, 2013


   One thing I really hate doing more than most things is asking for money. I really don't think that the readers of this blog owe me anything, but I feel like you can make your own decisions. Long story short: the computer containing all the music files ever shared on this blog is damaged. An airline broke it but they don't care about my stupid shit. If you have downloaded music from this blog in the past and think it's worth your time to donate money towards fixing the damn thing, feel free to do so. If I end up getting more than the cost of repairs, I will put that money directly towards improving the operations of the blog and will promise to keep doing the blog for the duration of 2014, if not longer.
    The computer is used primarily to upload music files, check my email and write articles for MRR. That's about it, if you needed more into.

Thanks. You are awesome, whether or not you donate money. 
  1. No more need for donations.Thanks!


keeferooni said...

Pitched in a little. Hope it helps. Sorry for the bad luck, man.

Harvester said...

Thanks so much! It helps!