Sunday, February 12, 2012


   I never got to see ELECTRONIC fact, hardly anyone did. They only existed for a few months in the year of 1999 and only played 3 or 4 shows in their hometown of Gainesville, FL.Scott and Timmy had played guitar and bass respectively in THE BREAKUPS before that band met its inevitable demise. Afterwards, Scott switched over to the drums and they got their friend, Mike to play guitar and sing a little bit. Thus, the band with the confusing moniker of ELECTRONIC RAINFOREST was born. They managed to bust out 6 or 7 originals and a cover or two. They recorded this quick tape on the same 4 track used to record both THE CRUMBS and THE BELTONES demos. The band broke up within a matter of months after Scott left Florida to settle in the Bay Area. Timmy and Mike forged ahead, playing the bulk of these songs with their friends Cinque and Ski after they all got together to form HELLO SHITTY PEOPLE....and that, my friends, is all there is.

Thanks to Scott Baldwin for most of this info.


  1. dude! this is great! Scott rules! any chance you'll put up the crumbs and beltones demos? do ittttt!

  2. I wish, but I don't have either recording. I'm gonna be digging through the tapes of an old Florida archivist soon and she might have them.

  3. damn! I had the crumbs tape, and even made mp3s of it on an old computer - but that machine is dead, and tape is missing, too!

  4. also, Raf definitely doesn't have one - maybe Chuck or Emil does? I'll see
